K Stubbs Associates have extensive experience in acting for clients in resolving disputes and representing both private and commercial clients in Litigation, Arbitration or Adjudication disputes.
Where a dispute is anticipated, early consultation is recommended and in the first instance an appraisal of the issues in dispute together with advice on the likely outcome in the form of a report is usually required. Our professional expertise ensures comprehensive, systematic and detailed report writing and representation.
Litigation and Arbitration costs can be expensive and where possible negotiated settlements should be attempted. There is a need to consider the costs of pursuing or defending an action against the probability of success and the potential award.
K Stubbs Associates can advise Clients at all stages of a dispute and are used to liaising with Client's Solicitors to provide overall comprehensive advice.
To discuss your needs or the services that can be provided, please contact Kevin Stubbs on 01604 696537. |
Gallowgate House. Bedford Road West, Yardley Hastings, Northampton NN7 1HB ..Tel: 01604 696 537.. Fax: 01604 696 126 ..Emaill: surveying@kstubbs.co.uk
Regulated by RICS ...K Stubbs Associates is the trading name of K Stubbs Associates Ltd. ...
Registered in England and Wales ...Company Number: 5066281 ...VAT Registration Number: 581 0897 19 ...Registered Office: As above.